Found yourself out of work for the first time in a long time? We’ve launched the #GetHired Skills Toolkit as a simple and actionable step by step guide to secure your next role. Access the full kit here.
One thing the pandemic has afforded many of us is time. A break from the status quo can allow for a higher degree of self-reflection than when we’re immersed in our usual routines. It’s an opportunity to question your values, ideals, missions and goals. You can challenge yourself and change your trajectory accordingly if you’re dissatisfied with the conclusion you come to.
Upskilling and retraining is the act of adding more strings to your bow, not to flesh out your CV but to broaden your horizons. It might be strengthening a skillset you already have, specialising to become an expert in your chosen field or get an accredited qualification formally acknowledging the skills you have. Alternatively, upskilling might encourage you to engage in something new entirely.
The internet is saturated with content to help you do whatever you set your heart on. You’re just a YouTube video away from dismantling a car engine, painting a watercolour masterpiece or becoming an astrologist. If none of those things are on your agenda then guaranteed there’s something that is. One in three people have reportedly used online courses to help them get a better job and saw their annual earnings increase by £3,640.
Here are some FREE online resources you can delve into. Not applicable? You’re only an internet search away from finding one that is.
UK Gov
The UK Government recently released an online ‘skills tool kit’ offering a range of courses from computer essentials to business and finance.
Class Central
Class Central is an hub of free online resources from top universities and market-leading organisations. You can filter by subject, engage in distance learning and add to your skills portfolio at your own pace at no cost.
Google Digital Garage
Google Digital Garage has a library of free courses designed to help you learn at your own pace, covering business tools, interview skills and preparing for the career you want.
HubSpot has a great selection of courses covering digital marketing and touching on sales funnels and service techniques
LinkedIn offers both paid and free courses to support your professional development. The paid content is on a subscription giving you access to over 16k expert-led courses. You can also check out these free ones, all designed to support you in being a better professional.
Alison has a growing community of over 17 million learners enjoying free courses in a diverse set of subjects from technology to lifestyle. Well worth a look whether learning for for business or pleasure!
Skillcrush offers a range of paid certifications with the option to sample the courses content with a free trial, allowing you to ‘code your way to financial freedom’.
Highbrow offers a plethora of courses that allow you to learn something new, upskilling in just 5 minutes! Dabbling here could be a catalyst to a whole new career, or even just interesting knowledge nuggets to share with your family and friends.
Ready to take the next step? View the next chapter in our #GetHired Skills Toolkit.
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